Ivana Misic
Massage Myotherapy Australia
Ivana Misic is a certified Remedial massage practitioner, abdominal massage therapist, nutritionist, and passionate about creating change through a deep, multi-disciplinary approach to health and celebrating all stages of life and weaves her multidisciplinary and holistic approach to life through her treatments.
Practicing since 2017, Ivana has travelled across the world to learn traditional forms of bodywork and to weave this into treatments comprising of various styles to evoke deeper healing and restoration.
Currently, Ivana is completing her Masters of Social Work to have broader outreach in community health and care, and splits her time from Melbourne’s inner North and the co-shared off-grid homestead in the Yarra Valley, investing in land regeneration projects and growing many of the herbs used in the liniments in oils and balms used in treatments. Ivana also runs bi-weekend massage trainings for Chi Nei Tsang sporadically throughout the year.